0xFoobar on Delegate.cash and Building Immutable Smart Contracts
Today’s guest is Foobar - a Dev, writer, and auditor who is also a DeFi & NFT founder.
Today’s guest is Foobar - a Dev, writer, and auditor who is also a DeFi & NFT founder.
You may know Foobar from Twitter, where he is a grade A memepoaster and prolific commentator on all things crypto.
He’s also the creator of Delegate.cash - an immutable primitive to safely claim airdrops for vaulted NFTs.
In this episode, we deep dive several of Foobar’s projects, including Delegate.cash and a repo he calls ‘Bored and Dangerous.’ We also asked Foobar about how he personally levels up as an engineer, and how he approaches things like smart contract security, making tradeoffs between immutability & mutability, and drafting EIPs.
If you’re crypto native who wants to learn how a thriving anon dev approaches their craft, this episode is for you.
2:17 Intro
4:47 How foobar got into crypto
7:05 Crypto math that Foobar loves
10:23 How NFT devs should think about cryptoeconomics
14:07 How does Foobar think about smart contract security?
19:42 Delegate.cash
29:18 Delegate.cash vs other attempts at solving the same problem
32:09 Immutable vs mutable smart contracts
38:09 Advice for building contracts that will be used by lots of people
42:08 Advice for drafting EIPs
48:32 Common mistakes that Foobar sees from junior devs
50:52 Bored and Dangerous
54:42 What does Foobar hope our industry looks like in the next 10 years
Delegate Cash: https://delegate.cash/
Bored And Dangerous Repo: https://github.com/0xfoobar/boredanddangerous
Foobar's Substack: https://0xfoobar.substack.com/
Foobar on Royalties: https://0xfoobar.substack.com/p/on-royalties
Foobar on Twitter: https://twitter.com/0xfoobar
Delegate Cash: https://delegate.cash/
Bored And Dangerous Repo: https://github.com/0xfoobar/boredanddangerous
Foobar's Substack: https://0xfoobar.substack.com/
Foobar on Royalties: https://0xfoobar.substack.com/p/on-royalties
Foobar on Twitter: https://twitter.com/0xfoobar